CoRMSA: Call for Tender To Perform Project Audit.
Opportunity closing date: Thursday, 31 December, 2020Opportunity type: Call for proposals Background information: The Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa (CoRMSA) is a national network of twenty-five (26) organisations whose main objectives and mission are the promotion and protection of the human rights of asylum seekers, refugees and other international migrants in ways that promote the well-being…
[PRESS STATEMENT] International Migrants Day 2020.
For Immediate release: 18 December 2020Press Release: International Migrants Day. “Upholding and Reimagining the Human Rights of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants”. December 18th marks International Migrants Day. The United Nations (UN) International Migrants Day is annually held since 2000 to recognize the efforts, contributions, and rights of migrants worldwide. It is a day set…
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