04 February – 10 February 2019 This week CoRMSA and its member organisations are organising and apart of various activities and events in forwarding our mandate to promote and protect the human rights of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in South Africa. 06 January 2019 Abigail Dawson will be attending the launch of the Hub…
Whats Happening This Week?
28th January- 3rd February 2019 This week CoRMSA and its member organisations are organizing and apart of various activities and events in forwarding our mandate to promote and protect the human rights of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in South Africa. 28th January 2019 The CoRMSA team will be doing a site visit to the…
Press Statement: International Migrants Day
Press Release: For Immediate release: 18 December 2018 #WithDignity: CoRMSA celebrates the dignity and achievement of migrants in South Africa. December 18th marks International Migrants Day. This day is celebrated annually since 2000 in commemorating the adoption of the international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families…
10th-16th December 2018 This week CoRMSA and its member organisations are organizing and apart of various activities and events in forwarding our mandate to promote and protect the human rights of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in South Africa. 10th December 10th of December is International Human Rights Day. Read CoRMSA Press Statement here. The…
Press Statement: International Human Rights Day
For immediate release: 10 December 2018 ‘The path to dignity knows no borders’ International Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on the 10th of December to mark the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This year marks the 70thanniversary of a landmark document which declares the inalienable and inherent rights…
NEWS: Global Compact on Migration 10-11 December 2018
Members of the United Nations (UN) are scheduled to meet from the 10th-11th December 2018 in Marrakesch, Morrocco to adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Leading up to the adoption of the compact at the General Assembly has seen a varied and growing response from ambivalence and support to reservation and…
26th-30th November 2018 This week CoRMSA and its member organisations are organizing and apart of various activities and events in forwarding our mandate to promote and protect the human rights of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in South Africa. 27th November Abigail Dawson will be participating in a social dialogue on access to health care…
Press Statement: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
For immediate release: 25 November 2018 #HearMeToo: Uniting to Protect Women on the Move “Women and girls represent a significant proportion of people on the move world wide” – IOM world migration report 2018. The risks and vulnerabilities of women and girls on the move are shaped to a great extent by their gender. Violence…
NEWS ARTICLE: Should you believe Motsoaledi’s hype about the ‘foreign threat’ to healthcare?
A ‘foreign threat’ could be a convenient boogeyman in an election season where politicians will face questions about their failures. Or not? Last week, Health Minister, Aaron Motsoaledi claimed in a speech at the National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union’s (Nehawu) Nurses’ Summit that undocumented immigrants are flooding South Africa and overburdening clinics and hospitals.When immigrants “get…
Press Statement: Universal Children’s Day 2018
For immediate release: 20 November 2018. “Children in Migration Deserves Birth Certificate Too” Today, 20thNovember is Universal Children’s Day, this day is celebrated annually. The goal of Universal Children’s Day is to improve child welfare worldwide, promote and celebrate children’s rights and encourage togetherness and awareness amongst all children. The Day was initially launched in…