#DocumentUs Campaign – CoRMSA Director in a live interview on Power FM

“Every child in South Africa has got a right to name and nationality according to the South African constitution, hence the Department of Home Affairs must issue all children with birth certificates for easy access to education, healthcare services and social security services,” says CoRMSA Executive Director in a live interview on Power FM. Sign

CoRMSA’s presentation to the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development

CoRMSA recommends that the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development should monitor and ensure that all the policy developments and implementations are in compliance with the Constitution. This is to ensure that everyone, including asylum seekers, refugees and migrants are equally protected before the law as a way of reducing xenophobic actions, racism, …

Covid-19 Vaccination registration for 35 years old and above : CoRMSA’s position on Covid-19 Vaccine Roll-out process

Register for Covid- 19 vaccination if you are 35 years old and above. Read CoRMSA’s position on Covid-19 Roll-out process in the link below. Vaccination is open to everyone who is 35 years and above Click the linkĀ  for full information: Registration procedure for vaccination ( 35 years and above) Cormsa’position on Covid-19 vaccine roll